Every registered domain has a minimum of 2 Name Server records which show where it's hosted i.e. by using these records you point your domain to the servers of a particular website hosting provider. This way, you have got both your website and your e-mails handled by the very same service provider. On the lower level of the Domain Name System (DNS), however, there are lots of other records, like A and MX. The former reveals which server deals with the site for a given domain address and is always an IP address (, while the second one reveals which server handles the emails and is always an alphanumeric string (mx1.domain.com). For instance, when you enter a domain address in your web browser, your request is forwarded through the global DNS system to the provider whose NS records the domain uses and from there you will be sent to the servers of a different service provider if you have set an IP address of the latter as an A record for your Internet domain. Having independent records for the website and the e-mails suggests that you may have your site and your e-mails with 2 different providers if you'd like.

Custom MX and A Records in Shared Hosting

If you have a shared hosting account from our company and you want to move either your site or your emails to a different provider, it'll take you literally just two clicks to do so. Our Hepsia Control Panel provides an easy-to-use DNS Records tool, where all your domain names and subdomains are going to be listed alphabetically and you will be able to see and edit the A and/or MX records for any of them. If you wish to use a different email provider and they ask you to create more MX records than the default two, it won't take more than a couple of mouse clicks either to add them. You could also set different latency for these records and the lower the latency, the greater the priority a particular MX record is going to have. The propagation of every record that you change or create won't take more than several hours and if needed, you'll also be able to set the so-called Time-To-Live value, which shows how long a record will stay active after it's changed or deleted.

Custom MX and A Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Accessing and modifying the A or MX records for each of your domains or subdomains is really easy if you buy a semi-dedicated server plan from our company. The accounts are managed by using our in-house built Hepsia CP, which has a section dedicated to the DNS records of your domain addresses. The latter will be listed alphabetically and you can click on any one of them to see both the A and the MX records. Changing any record is as easy as entering the new one in a text box and saving the change, so even when you have never dealt with such matters before, you'll not encounter any issues if you want to direct your site or emails to some other service provider while keeping the second service with our company. If necessary, you may also set up additional MX records and set a specific priority based on the recommendations of the new provider.