Irrespective of the fact that the web hosting service offered by the different companies is almost the same, each provider has a personalized platform with its own modifications and different ways to execute certain procedures. That is why, an info-laden knowledge base would be amazingly helpful both for persons with little to no experience and for technically proficient users who will sooner or later find out how given tasks are performed, but will lose valuable time meanwhile. The objective of such a knowledge base is to make the hosting service quick and simple to use, saving users lots of time and effort. The result is more satisfied customers, as they can effortlessly find the information they are seeking, and considerably less work for the help desk staff representatives, because usually most of the inquiries and difficulties that customers have are already enumerated in the knowledge base. Given that the articles are written well and encompass more things, you’ll be able to learn more not only about your own account, but also about the hosting service in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting

All Linux shared hosting that we’re offering feature an elaborate knowledge base where you can find all you need to know with regards to your web hosting account. Whether you intend to create a brand-new database, to redirect a domain by means of an .htaccess file or to set up an e-mail address on your desktop computer or telephone, you can just read our step-by-step help articles and all the information that you require will be there. When you go to a particular section of your Hepsia Control Panel, you will see articles that are associated with the features that can be accessed through it. If you’d like to check the complete article list and get informed about all the functions that Hepsia is offering, or only to read general info about the hosting service, you can examine the whole knowledge base, which can be accessed via the Help menu in your Control Panel. We have done our utmost best to cover any difficulty that you may confront, but if you don’t find the info that you are seeking, you can always touch base with us, as our help desk staff representatives are working 24 hours a day.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We have compiled an extensive online knowledge base for all our current and potential clients, so in case you buy a semi-dedicated server package from our company, you’ll be able to find any info that you are searching for at any moment. We have an array of educational help articles, which will help you understand better what’s happening in your semi-dedicated server account – "What’s PHP?" and "What are file permissions?" are merely two instances. Our comprehensive tutorials will help you accomplish anything you wish – extract the contents of an archive, import a database, redirect a domain, etc. Additionally, we also have troubleshooting instructions, which will enable you to find out what causes a given problem and the potential solutions for it. In case you are not able to send e-mails or your domain opens an HTTP 500 error message, for instance, you can consult our knowledge base and resolve the problem momentarily. You can access the articles through each Control Panel section, as well as through the dedicated Help section.